4. Control Structures

In this chapter, we encounter the set of "control" structures in C, such as conditional statements and looping constructs. As a preview, the control structures in C are nearly identical to those found in Java (since Java syntax is heavily based on C), and bear strong resemblance to control structures found in other programming languages.

4.1. if Statement

Both an if and an if-else are available in C. The <expression> can be any valid C expression. The parentheses around the expression are required, even if it is just a single variable:

if (<expression>) <statement>    // simple form with no {}'s or else clause

You should always use curly braces around the statement block associated with an if statement. Although C allows a programmer not to include the curly braces in the case of if statements and other control structures when there is only a single statement in the statement block, you should always use the curly braces. Why, you ask, should I type those additional characters? Just ask the unfortunate engineering group at Apple that introduced the "goto fail" bug into their SSL (secure sockets layer) library: a bug that affected the macOS and iOS operating systems quite severely [1]. The upshot of this security failure is that it could have been prevented with the rigorous use of curly braces for all statement blocks.

So, for the simple form of the if statement shown above, you should really write:

if (<expression>) { <statement> }   // simple form with no {}'s or else clause
                                    // note the curly braces around the statement
                                    // block!

As in Java, the else keyword can be used to provide alternative execution for a conditional expression. Also similar to Java, multiple if ... else if statements can be chained together. There is no elif as in Python (or elsif as in Ruby).

if (<expression>) { // simple form with {}'s to group statements

if (<expression>) { // full then/else form
} else {

if (<expression1>) { // chained if/else if
} else if (<expression2>) {
} ...

4.2. The conditional expression (ternary operator)

The conditional expression can be used as a shorthand for some if-else statements. The general syntax of the conditional operator is:

<expression1> ? <expression2> : <expression3>

This is an expression, not a statement, so it represents a value. The operator works by evaluating expression1. If it is true (non-zero), it evaluates and returns expression2. Otherwise, it evaluates and returns expression3.

The classic example of the ternary operator is to return the smaller of two variables. Instead of writing:

if (x < y) {
    min = x;
} else {
    min = y;

you can write:

min = (x < y) ? x : y;

The ternary operator is viewed by some programmers as "excessively tricky" since expressions with such operators can be hard to read. Use your best judgment, and don't do something this [Horrific] example.

4.3. switch statement

The switch statement is a sort of specialized form of if with the goal of efficiently separating different blocks of code based on the value of an integer. The switch expression is evaluated, and then the flow of control jumps to the matching const-expression case. The case expressions are typically int or char constants (unfortunately, you cannot use strings as case expressions). The switch statement is probably the single most syntactically awkward and error-prone feature of the C language:

switch (<expression>) {
    case <const-expression-1>:
    case <const-expression-2>:
    case <const-expression-3>:
    case <const-expression-4>:  // here we combine case 3 and 4
    default:    // optional

Each constant needs its own case keyword and a trailing colon (:). Once execution has jumped to a particular case, the program will keep running through all the cases from that point down --- this so called fall through operation is used in the above example so that expression-3 and expression-4 run the same statements. The explicit break statements are necessary to exit the switch. Omitting the break statements is a common error --- it compiles, but leads to inadvertent, unexpected, and likely erroneous fall-through behavior.

Why does the switch statement fall-through behavior work the way it does? The best explanation might be that C was originally developed for an audience of assembly language programmers. The assembly language programmers were used to the idea of a "jump table" with fall-through behavior, so that's the way C does it (it's also relatively easy to implement it this way). Unfortunately, the audience for C is now quite different, and the fall-through behavior is widely regarded as an unfortunate part of the language.

4.4. while loop

The while loop evaluates the test expression before every loop, so it can execute zero times if the condition is initially false. The conditional expression requires parentheses like the if:

while (<expression>) {

Although the curly braces are not technically required if there is only one statement in the body of the while loop, you should always use the curly braces. Again, see [1] for why.

4.5. do-while loop

Like a while loop, but with the test condition at the bottom of the loop. The loop body will always execute at least once. The do-while tends to be an unpopular area of the language. Although many users of C use the straight while if possible, a do-while loop can be very useful in some situations:

do {
} while (<expression>);

4.6. for loop

The for loop in C contains three components that are often used in looping constructs, making it a fairly convenient statement to use. The three parts are an initializer, a continuation condition, and an action, as in:

for (<initializer>; <continuation>; <action>) {

The initializer is executed once before the body of the loop is entered. The loop continues to run as long as the continuation condition remains true. After every execution of the loop, the action is executed. The following example executes 10 times by counting 0..9. Many loops look very much like the following:

1#include <stdio.h>
2#include <stdlib.h>
4int main() {
5    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
6        printf("%d\n", i);
7    }
8    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

C programs often have series of the form 0..(some_number-1). It's idiomatic in C for loops like the example above to start at 0 and use < in the test so the series runs up to but not equal to the upper bound. In other languages you might start at 1 and use <= in the test.

Each of the three parts of the for loop can be made up of multiple expressions separated by commas. Expressions separated by commas are executed in order, left to right, and represent the value of the last expression.

Note that in the C standard prior to C99, it was illegal to declare a variable in the initializer part of a for loop. In C99, however, it is perfectly legal. If you compile the above code using gcc without the -std=c99 flag, you will get the following error:

forloop.c: In function ‘main’:
forloop.c:4:5: error: ‘for’ loop initial declarations are only allowed in C99 mode
forloop.c:4:5: note: use option -std=c99 or -std=gnu99 to compile your code

Once the -std=c99 flag is added, the code compiles correctly, as expected.

4.6.1. break

The break statement causes execution to exit the current loop or switch statement. Stylistically speaking, break has the potential to be a bit vulgar. It is preferable to use a straight while with a single conditional expression at the top if possible, but sometimes you are forced to use a break because the test can occur only somewhere in the midst of the statements in the loop body. To keep the code readable, be sure to make the break obvious --- forgetting to account for the action of a break is a traditional source of bugs in loop behavior:

while (<expression>) {
    if (<condition which can only be evaluated here>) {
// control jumps down here on the break

The break does not work with if; it only works in loops and switches. Thinking that a break refers to an if when it really refers to the enclosing while has created some high-quality bugs. When using a break, it is nice to write the enclosing loop to iterate in the most straightforward, obvious, normal way, and then use the break to explicitly catch the exceptional, weird cases.

4.6.2. continue

The continue statement causes control to jump to the bottom of the loop, effectively skipping over any code below the continue. As with break, this has a reputation as being vulgar, so use it sparingly. You can almost always get the effect more clearly using an if inside your loop:

while (<expression>) {
    if (<condition>) {
    // control jumps here on the continue

4.6.3. Statement labels and goto

Continuing the theme of statements that have a tendency of being a bit vulgar, we come to the king of vulgarity, the infamous goto statement [Goto]. The structure of a goto statement in C is to unconditionally jump to a statement label, and continue execution from there. The basic structure is:

  goto label;

The goto statement is not uncommon to encounter in operating systems code when there is a legitimate need to handle complex errors that can happen. A pattern that you might see is something like:

int complex_function(void) {
    if (initialize_1() != SUCCESS) { goto out1; }
    if (initialize_2() != SUCCESS) { goto out2; }
    if (initialize_3() != SUCCESS) { goto out3; }

    /* other statements */

    return SUCCESS;

  return ERROR;

Notice the structure above: there are multiple steps being performed to carry out some initialization for an operation [2]. If one of those initialization operations fails, code execution transfers to a statement to handle deinitialization, and those de-init operations happen in reverse order of initialization. It is possible to rewrite the above code to use if/else structures, but the structure becomes much more complex (see an exercise below). Although goto has the reputation of leading to "spaghetti code", judicious use of this statement in situations like the above makes for cleaner and clearer code.


  1. Rewrite the goto example code above (the last code example, above) to use if/else instead. Which code do you think exhibits a more clear structure?

  2. Consider the following program snippet:

    char buffer[64];
    printf("Enter an integer: ");
    fgets(buffer, 64, stdin);
    int val = atoi(buffer); // convert the string to an integer
    if (val % 2 == 1)
      val *= 2;
      val += 1
    printf("%d\n", val);

What is printed if the number 3 is entered?

  1. Say that you want to write a program that repeatedly asks for a snowfall amount, and that you want to keep asking for another value until the sum of all values exceeds a certain value. What control structure would work best to facilitate entry of the snowfall values, and why?

  2. Say you want to write a program that computes the average of quiz scores. You have a big stack of quizzes, so you do not know the number of quizzes up front. What control structure would work best to facilitate entry of the scores, and why?

  3. Say that you want to simulate rolling a die (singular of dice) a fixed number of times and to compute and print the average value for the die rolls. What control structure would work best for this problem, and why?


    1. Dijkstra. Letters to the editor: go to statement considered harmful. Communications of the ACM, Volume 11, Issue 3, March 1968. https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=362947
